Authors: Lorena Ferreira de Araújo 

Keywords: Ilhas de calor, Sensoriamento Remoto, LANDSA-8


Com o crescimento das cidades nos últimos anos uma grande problemática tem surgido: o aparecimento de ilhas de calor. Estas ilhas tem surgido em decorrência de grandes áreas impermeabilizadas e poucas áreas verdes. Uma das maneiras para se estudar essas ilhas de calor é através do sensoriamento remoto, que está sendo cada vez mais utilizado para pesquisas do meio ambiente. O objetivo desse trabalho foi mapear as ilhas de calor que surgiram no município de Belém, através da elaboração da estimativa da Temperatura da Superfície Terrestre (TST) e do Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI), utilizando a banda vermelho e infravermelho termal do satélite Landsat-8 nos anos de 2015, 2016, 2017 e 2018. Para se obter esses mapas de NDVI e TST foram aplicadas técnicas de combinações matemáticas de refletância em diferentes faixas, estas técnicas são utilizadas para a calibração e correção atmosférica. Um transecto foi gerado a partir da ferramenta Profile Tool do QGis, e, a partir dele, foi gerado um gráfico onde pode-se observar melhor os diferentes índices de vegetação e de temperatura nos mesmos locais pelos quais ele passa. Com os processos realizados, pôde-se concluir que as ilhas de calor surgiram no centro urbano do município onde as temperaturas ficou em torno de 31ºC. Devido a uma maior concentração populacional e uma baixa concentração de vegetação, o centro urbano do município tem uma maior capacidade de gerar desconforto térmico para as pessoas que residem nestas áreas, isto acontece devido as suas altas temperaturas e baixas umidades do ar.


Multivariate geostatistics in the delimitation of management zones in cowpea culture.

Authors: Devid Jakson da Siva Sousa e Thiago Thomé da Silva

Keywords: Vigna unguiculata, Geotechnologies, Precision Agriculture.


The cowpea is one of the main crops of the family agriculture, it is a legume of the Fabaceae family, which constitutes an excellent source of proteins and is one of the most frequent items in the food of the populations of the North and Northeast of the country, mainly in rural areas. Despite its importance, the cultivation of this grain is carried out using techniques with low technological level that result in low productivity. This study aimed to characterize management zones, based on the analysis of nutrient microvariability, establishing associations between soil attributes and cowpea plants. The experiment was carried out at the property of the company Agropecuária Milênio located in the branch of Braço Grande, Vila Fátima, Tracuateua, Pará. Soil samples were collected in a mesh of regular spacing of 12 meters, at a depth of 0.00 - 0.20 m, in an area of ​​1.2 ha, for the determination of the chemical attributes of the soil: pH in water, pH in KCl, Na +, extractable P, K +, Ca2 +, Mg2 + and Al3 + exchangeable in an Alisol Yellow Oxisol, moderate in texture average under cultivation of cowpea with cultivar BR3-Tracuateua and sampling points were georeferenced and in this same location were sampled attributes of cowpea plants 3 mx 3 m (9 m2) sample cell, and measured shape: Branch length main (CRP), Number of pods per plant (NVP), Weight of grains in pod (NGV), Weight of grains (NGV), Weight of one hundred grains (PCG) and at the end of the cycle Productivity in kg / ha (Prod) . The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, geostatistics and principal component analysis. The results of descriptive statistics showed that all variables showed normal distribution and asymmetry and kurtosis values ​​close to zero and similar mean and median values, showing in general the behavior of soil and plant attributes. The linear correlation between productivity and the studied soil attributes was considered weak, with the exception of Al3 + and Ca2 +. All variables analyzed showed spatial dependence, except for the Na + variable, which had a pure nugget effect. The multivariate analysis techniques (main components) used in conjunction with geostatistics provided a better understanding of the spatial variability of the physical and chemical attributes of the soil, as it was possible to reduce the dimension, eliminate overlap and more representative choice of data by extracting information of the original variables by means of linear combinations extracted from the original data. With these results it was possible to make representative maps of a set of soil and plant attributes in an optimized way, confirming the hypothesis that it is possible to create management zones for the cowpea culture, through multivariate geostatistical analysis, reducing the number of maps to be analyzed, and in the case of this work they expressed 74.96% of the total variability existing in the set of original variables.


Spatial variability of attributes indicating soil acidity and mechanical resistance to penetration in cassava root production.

Authors: Silmara Pereira Costa e Irwing Jordan Almeida de Moraes

Keywords: Manihot esculenta Crantz, Atributos do solo, Geoestatística.



The mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is widely cultivated throughout the national territory, but it is still a low-tech activity, mainly due to the heterogeneity of the soil system, since there is spatial dependence on the physical and chemical quality indicators and these attributes influence in a located in production. The present study aimed to characterize the spatial variability of the indicator attributes of acidity and mechanical resistance of the soil to penetration, and its effects on the production of cassava root, in order to estimate the chemical and physical changes in the soil at unsampled points. , which may indicate homogeneous zones for management efficiency. The study was carried out at Fazenda Freitas, located on the Guanabara lane, in the municipality of São Francisco, Northeast Paraense. The cultivation was subjected to 1m x 1m spacing, under crop treatments interspersed in weeding, herbicide application and fertilization. The georeferencing was carried out to create the sample grid, totaling 71 points of collection of soil and cassava root at the depths of 0.00–0.20m, 0.20–0.40m and 0.40–0.60m and analysis of soil resistance to penetration (RP) at depths 0.00–0.10m, 0.10–0.20m, 0.20–0.30m and 0.30–0.40m, and all samples were collected in mesh regular with 22 m spacing. Soil analyzes were performed in the soil laboratory of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon, Capanema-PA campus, to determine pH in water, Al3+ and H + Al. Statistical data were analyzed by Pearson's linear correlation and geostatistics was analyzed by semivariogram parameters and were estimated by ordinary kriging. The production of cassava root showed a significant low correlation (0.27) only with the pH of the soil and did not show significant correlation for the other attributes. The soil pH showed a significant linear correlation with the Al content3+ and H + Al. The analysis of semivariograms showed the existence of spatial dependence for the mass of cassava root and for most soil attributes in all studied layers, with the exception of exchangeable aluminum in the 0.40–0.60m layer and RP in the layer 0.30–0.40 m from the ground. Cassava culture is tolerant to Al levels3+ and H + Al found in the soil and the PR was not a limiting factor for root production. From the geostatistical analysis of the soil and plant attributes, it was possible to characterize the spatial variability of the soil acidity and mechanical resistance attributes to penetration in the production of cassava root, providing subsidies to avoid waste and unnecessary costs with the application of fertilizers or correctives in a localized way, not taking into account only the average values.



Author: Alessandra dos Santos Santos

Keywords: Erodibilidade, RUSLE, Geoprocessamento, Uso do solo. 


Os processos de erosão hídrica dos solos geram intensificadas perdas dos solos, principalmente por ações antrópicas, gerando degradação dos solos, redução da produtividade e escassez dos recursos naturais. As bacias hidrográficas atuam como estimação desses recursos naturais, assim o presente estudo objetivou estimar a vulnerabilidade dos solos à erosão hídrica na Bacia hidrográfica do rio Caeté, nordeste do Pará, com intuito de demonstrar as áreas mais suscetíveis a erosão hídrica dos solos. Para tanto, foi utilizada a Equação Universal de Perda dos solos Revisada (RUSLE) correlacionados com os sistemas de informações geográficas. A quantificação dos fatores foi gerada em forma de raster e representada pela elaboração de mapas. A obtenção da erosividade da chuva (R) foram determinadas pela interpolação dos registros das estações pluviométricas; o fator erodibilidade (K) foi determinado pelo mapa pedológico; o fator topográfico (LS) foi obtido pelo Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) e o fator de cobertura e manejo do solo foi adquirido pelo mapa de uso do solo do Terraclass referente ao ano de 2014. Os resultados apresentaram que 54,51% dos solos presentes na bacia demonstraram perdas de até 2,5 t. ha-1.ano-1, predominando a classe vulnerabilidade ligeira; e 8,16% da área com perdas de 25 t. ha-1.ano-1 a 100 t. ha-1.ano-1 com classe de vulnerabilidade muito alta. As perdas ocorrem em função da fraca estrutura geológica dos Neossolos Quartzarênicos, Latossolo Amarelo, Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelo, Plintossolos Háplicos e Gleissolos Sálico e dos usos e cobertura presentes nessas regiões. Desse modo, há a necessidade de implementação das práticas de conservação do solo com intuito de monitorar e diminuir os índices de vulnerabilidade dos solos à erosão hídrica na bacia hidrográfica do rio Caeté.



Autora: Douglas Silva dos Santos

Keywords: Clima; Chuva;  Dinâmica pluviométrica.


Precipitation is a crucial meteorological variable for the characterization of the climate of a region, in addition to directly affecting the water balance in the soil of the hydrographic basin. For this reason, understanding the dynamics of rainfall is essential for decision making in management. water resources and agricultural and urban planning. Thus, the present course conclusion work aimed to analyze rainfall dynamics in the municipality of Capanema from 1973 to 2019. The study used precipitation data from the meteorological station of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) in Tracuateua in January from 1973 to December 2019, however, the years 1981, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1992 and 2013 were excluded from the annual analysis because they presented incomplete measurements, resulting in a 41-year time series. The classification of dry and wet periods was performed using the Rain Anomaly Index (IAC) with the analysis of the degree of severity and the frequency of dry and rainy years. The historical average for the region was 2,398.32 mm / year, reaching a minimum of 1,381.70 mm in 1983 under the influence of the La Niña event and a maximum of 4,084.40 mm in 1985 under the influence of the La Niña event. Considering all 41 years of the studied time series, 22 years (53.6%) had accumulated rainfall below the average and 19 years (46.4%) with rain above the historical average. Of this total, 10 years (24.4%) were classified as extremely dry or very dry and 6 years (14.6%) were classified as extremely rainy or very rainy. It was possible to observe three periods that presented three or more consecutive years of drought: 1st period 1978, 1979, 1980,1982 and 1983; 2nd period 1996, 1997 and 1998; 3rd period 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Regarding the years classified as rainy, two periods were identified that presented three or more consecutive years of drought: 1st period 1999, 2000 and 2001; 2nd period 2007, 2008 and 2009. A rainier period was investigated (January to June), which presents a greater volume of rain concentrated in the months of February, March and April due to the presence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ZCIT), which operates in the region mainly at this time of year. The least rainy period (July to December) has the peak of drought in the months of September, October and November. It is inferred that the use of the IAC was an effective technique to analyze rainfall dynamics in the region, this study generated preliminary information for other research and to be used with discretion in decision making for the purposes of urban planning and agricultural activities.



Authors: Rosimeire Araújo Ferreira e Letícia de Souza Oliveira

Keywords: Geotechnologies, Surface temperature, FluxCO2, monitoramento ambiental.


Over time, the environment has been degraded through human actions, affecting ecological systems and arousing worldwide concern. Daily gases are released into the atmosphere in a natural or anthropic way, the accumulation of these gases generates complex mechanisms of chemical and photochemical reactions, one of the resulting ones being CO2 (carbon dioxide), with the importance of understanding its influence in the process of photosynthesis, as soon as, plants are responsible for emitting carbon compounds into the atmosphere. Being understood through the spectral index (NDVI), in which it estimates the carbon sequestration by vegetation, during the clear phase of photosynthesis, the present study aimed in general to evaluate the seasonal behavior of carbon sequestration and the temperature of the Earth's surface in the Region for the Integration of the Caeté River in the State of Pará, by means of remote sensing, for this purpose the specific objectives that guide the evaluation of the Carbon Sequestration and the temperature of the Earth's surface by means of remote sensing were specified; aiming to understand its spatial variability, in addition to understanding how the seasonality of the Earth's surface temperature interferes in the Forest Carbon Sequestration and the relations with vegetation indexes, using geotechnology tools, with this, obtained the spatial distribution of the use and coverage of the soil of the study area, as well as the vegetation behavior correlated with the behavior of the surface temperature as well as the carbon flow, with that it was understood that the anthropic processes under the study area are influencing the carbon flow and the increase the surface temperature of this region so strategic for the Amazon region.


Multivariate geostatistics in the delimitation of management zones in cowpea culture.

Authors: Devid Jakson da Siva Sousa e Thiago Thomé da Silva

Keywords: Vigna unguiculata, Geotechnologies, Precision Agriculture.


The cowpea is one of the main crops of the family agriculture, it is a legume of the Fabaceae family, which constitutes an excellent source of proteins and is one of the most frequent items in the food of the populations of the North and Northeast of the country, mainly in rural areas. Despite its importance, the cultivation of this grain is carried out using techniques with low technological level that result in low productivity. This study aimed to characterize management zones, based on the analysis of nutrient microvariability, establishing associations between soil attributes and cowpea plants. The experiment was carried out at the property of the company Agropecuária Milênio located in the branch of Braço Grande, Vila Fátima, Tracuateua, Pará. Soil samples were collected in a mesh of regular spacing of 12 meters, at a depth of 0.00 - 0.20 m, in an area of ​​1.2 ha, for the determination of the chemical attributes of the soil: pH in water, pH in KCl, Na +, extractable P, K +, Ca2 +, Mg2 + and Al3 + exchangeable in an Alisol Yellow Oxisol, moderate in texture average under cultivation of cowpea with cultivar BR3-Tracuateua and sampling points were georeferenced and in this same location were sampled attributes of cowpea plants 3 mx 3 m (9 m2) sample cell, and measured shape: Branch length main (CRP), Number of pods per plant (NVP), Weight of grains in pod (NGV), Weight of grains (NGV), Weight of one hundred grains (PCG) and at the end of the cycle Productivity in kg / ha (Prod) . The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, geostatistics and principal component analysis. The results of descriptive statistics showed that all variables showed normal distribution and asymmetry and kurtosis values ​​close to zero and similar mean and median values, showing in general the behavior of soil and plant attributes. The linear correlation between productivity and the studied soil attributes was considered weak, with the exception of Al3 + and Ca2 +. All variables analyzed showed spatial dependence, except for the Na + variable, which had a pure nugget effect. The multivariate analysis techniques (main components) used in conjunction with geostatistics provided a better understanding of the spatial variability of the physical and chemical attributes of the soil, as it was possible to reduce the dimension, eliminate overlap and more representative choice of data by extracting information of the original variables by means of linear combinations extracted from the original data. With these results it was possible to make representative maps of a set of soil and plant attributes in an optimized way, confirming the hypothesis that it is possible to create management zones for the cowpea culture, through multivariate geostatistical analysis, reducing the number of maps to be analyzed, and in the case of this work they expressed 74.96% of the total variability existing in the set of original variables.


Spatial variability of attributes indicating soil acidity and mechanical resistance to penetration in cassava root production.

Authors: Silmara Pereira Costa e Irwing Jordan Almeida de Moraes

Keywords: Manihot esculenta Crantz, Atributos do solo, Geoestatística.



The mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is widely cultivated throughout the national territory, but it is still a low-tech activity, mainly due to the heterogeneity of the soil system, since there is spatial dependence on the physical and chemical quality indicators and these attributes influence in a located in production. The present study aimed to characterize the spatial variability of the indicator attributes of acidity and mechanical resistance of the soil to penetration, and its effects on the production of cassava root, in order to estimate the chemical and physical changes in the soil at unsampled points. , which may indicate homogeneous zones for management efficiency. The study was carried out at Fazenda Freitas, located on the Guanabara lane, in the municipality of São Francisco, Northeast Paraense. The cultivation was subjected to 1m x 1m spacing, under crop treatments interspersed in weeding, herbicide application and fertilization. The georeferencing was carried out to create the sample grid, totaling 71 points of collection of soil and cassava root at the depths of 0.00–0.20m, 0.20–0.40m and 0.40–0.60m and analysis of soil resistance to penetration (RP) at depths 0.00–0.10m, 0.10–0.20m, 0.20–0.30m and 0.30–0.40m, and all samples were collected in mesh regular with 22 m spacing. Soil analyzes were performed in the soil laboratory of the Federal Rural University of the Amazon, Capanema-PA campus, to determine pH in water, Al3+ and H + Al. Statistical data were analyzed by Pearson's linear correlation and geostatistics was analyzed by semivariogram parameters and were estimated by ordinary kriging. The production of cassava root showed a significant low correlation (0.27) only with the pH of the soil and did not show significant correlation for the other attributes. The soil pH showed a significant linear correlation with the Al content3+ and H + Al. The analysis of semivariograms showed the existence of spatial dependence for the mass of cassava root and for most soil attributes in all studied layers, with the exception of exchangeable aluminum in the 0.40–0.60m layer and RP in the layer 0.30–0.40 m from the ground. Cassava culture is tolerant to Al levels3+ and H + Al found in the soil and the PR was not a limiting factor for root production. From the geostatistical analysis of the soil and plant attributes, it was possible to characterize the spatial variability of the soil acidity and mechanical resistance attributes to penetration in the production of cassava root, providing subsidies to avoid waste and unnecessary costs with the application of fertilizers or correctives in a localized way, not taking into account only the average values.



Author: Alessandra dos Santos Santos

Keywords: Erodibilidade, RUSLE, Geoprocessamento, Uso do solo. 


Os processos de erosão hídrica dos solos geram intensificadas perdas dos solos, principalmente por ações antrópicas, gerando degradação dos solos, redução da produtividade e escassez dos recursos naturais. As bacias hidrográficas atuam como estimação desses recursos naturais, assim o presente estudo objetivou estimar a vulnerabilidade dos solos à erosão hídrica na Bacia hidrográfica do rio Caeté, nordeste do Pará, com intuito de demonstrar as áreas mais suscetíveis a erosão hídrica dos solos. Para tanto, foi utilizada a Equação Universal de Perda dos solos Revisada (RUSLE) correlacionados com os sistemas de informações geográficas. A quantificação dos fatores foi gerada em forma de raster e representada pela elaboração de mapas. A obtenção da erosividade da chuva (R) foram determinadas pela interpolação dos registros das estações pluviométricas; o fator erodibilidade (K) foi determinado pelo mapa pedológico; o fator topográfico (LS) foi obtido pelo Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) e o fator de cobertura e manejo do solo foi adquirido pelo mapa de uso do solo do Terraclass referente ao ano de 2014. Os resultados apresentaram que 54,51% dos solos presentes na bacia demonstraram perdas de até 2,5 t. ha-1.ano-1, predominando a classe vulnerabilidade ligeira; e 8,16% da área com perdas de 25 t. ha-1.ano-1 a 100 t. ha-1.ano-1 com classe de vulnerabilidade muito alta. As perdas ocorrem em função da fraca estrutura geológica dos Neossolos Quartzarênicos, Latossolo Amarelo, Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelo, Plintossolos Háplicos e Gleissolos Sálico e dos usos e cobertura presentes nessas regiões. Desse modo, há a necessidade de implementação das práticas de conservação do solo com intuito de monitorar e diminuir os índices de vulnerabilidade dos solos à erosão hídrica na bacia hidrográfica do rio Caeté.



Autora: Douglas Silva dos Santos

Keywords: Clima; Chuva;  Dinâmica pluviométrica.


Precipitation is a crucial meteorological variable for the characterization of the climate of a region, in addition to directly affecting the water balance in the soil of the hydrographic basin. For this reason, understanding the dynamics of rainfall is essential for decision making in management. water resources and agricultural and urban planning. Thus, the present course conclusion work aimed to analyze rainfall dynamics in the municipality of Capanema from 1973 to 2019. The study used precipitation data from the meteorological station of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) in Tracuateua in January from 1973 to December 2019, however, the years 1981, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1992 and 2013 were excluded from the annual analysis because they presented incomplete measurements, resulting in a 41-year time series. The classification of dry and wet periods was performed using the Rain Anomaly Index (IAC) with the analysis of the degree of severity and the frequency of dry and rainy years. The historical average for the region was 2,398.32 mm / year, reaching a minimum of 1,381.70 mm in 1983 under the influence of the La Niña event and a maximum of 4,084.40 mm in 1985 under the influence of the La Niña event. Considering all 41 years of the studied time series, 22 years (53.6%) had accumulated rainfall below the average and 19 years (46.4%) with rain above the historical average. Of this total, 10 years (24.4%) were classified as extremely dry or very dry and 6 years (14.6%) were classified as extremely rainy or very rainy. It was possible to observe three periods that presented three or more consecutive years of drought: 1st period 1978, 1979, 1980,1982 and 1983; 2nd period 1996, 1997 and 1998; 3rd period 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Regarding the years classified as rainy, two periods were identified that presented three or more consecutive years of drought: 1st period 1999, 2000 and 2001; 2nd period 2007, 2008 and 2009. A rainier period was investigated (January to June), which presents a greater volume of rain concentrated in the months of February, March and April due to the presence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ZCIT), which operates in the region mainly at this time of year. The least rainy period (July to December) has the peak of drought in the months of September, October and November. It is inferred that the use of the IAC was an effective technique to analyze rainfall dynamics in the region, this study generated preliminary information for other research and to be used with discretion in decision making for the purposes of urban planning and agricultural activities.
